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MySQL: How to refresh a Fulltext Index

Question by Compi | 2016-03-10 at 12:43

I have made some changes at my database and an existing fulltext index - I have extended the index to more columns and I have adjusted the value for ft_min_word_len.

Unfortunately, those changes have not changed the already existing index at all, there are still the old words in. How can I manually achieve that MySQL is rebuilding and refreshing the index again?

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If you would like to have a complete rebuild of your index, you can execute the following command (tab is standing for the name of your table in which the index is located):


Alternatively, it is also possible to delete the old index in order to create the new index (with the changes) afterwards. When doing so, the index is directly built in the right way.
2016-03-10 at 13:51

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