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MySQL: IF-Condition with OR

Question by PC Control | 2015-02-06 at 19:09

I have a MySQL query containing an IF condition which is simplified looking something like this:

SELECT id, IF(col1 = 5, 1, 0) FROM tab

In other words, in case the condition col1 = 5 is met, I would like to get 1, 0 otherwise.

It is working like that. However, it is not that simple, because there should be returned 1 in more than one cases. What I need, is something like an OR conjunction.

So far, I have tried the following syntax:

SELECT id, IF(col1 = (5 OR 8), 1, 0) FROM tab

Unfortunately, this is not working. Does anyone have an idea how to rewrite this query making it running?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Just try the following:

SELECT id, IF(col1 = 5 OR col1 = 8, 1, 0) FROM tab

Doing it like this should work.
2015-02-09 at 15:53

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