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MySQL: Number Rows in the Result

Question by Guest | 2016-04-23 at 21:00

I am retrieving some data from my MySQL database and I would like to number the data records respectively rows in the result from 1 to the number of data sets.

Please consider that I do not want to do this using PHP or something like that later. Instead, I directly want to get the numbering in the MySQL result so that there is a number before each line. Is that possible?

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Yes, that is possible. Just have a look at the following example.

Here, we are reading out the data from the columns "col1" and "col2" from the table "tab" and additionally we are creating a line number. We have given the table tab the alias t, so that we are writing t.col1 and t.col2 in the example.

SELECT (@row := @row + 1) as rownr, t.col1, t.col2
FROM tab t, (SELECT @row := 0) r

We are getting the numbering with defining a variable "row" using "SELECT @row := 0" in order to increase this variable by one at each line (@row := @row + 1) and returning the result of this calculation as "rownr".
2016-04-24 at 11:53

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