24 Votes

MySQL: SELECT 0 instead of NULL

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2014-03-31

In one of my MySQL queries, it can happen from time to time that in the results there is the one or the other NULL value, because the corresponding cell has not yet been added to the database.

To nevertheless be able to process the values in my PHP script, I would like to make MySQL return the number "0" instead of "NULL".

Is there any possibility in MySQL to determine directly in the query that "0" should be returned whenever the result is "NULL"?

4Best Answer4 Votes

You can just use the function COALESCE().

Here is a small example:

SELECT id, COALESCE(col, 0) FROM tab

In this query, we would like to read the columns "id" and "col" from the table "tab". In the case that the value coming from "col" is "NULL", we would like to have "0" rather than "NULL".

COALESCE() returns the first value that is not NULL from the row of passed parameters. Thus, using COALESCE(col, 1) would return "1" whenever "col" is NULL.

You can also use this function with multiple parameters. For example, COALESCE(col1, col2, 0). Here, the result would be "col1" whenever the value from "col1" is not NULL. If "col1" is NULL, MySQL tries the value from "col2" and returns it if it is not NULL. If both, "col1" and "col2" are NULL, MySQL falls back on 0.
Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2014-03-31

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-33 Votes

Instead of COALESCE(), you can also use the function IFNULL().

The construct can be used similar to COALESCE():

SELECT id, IFNULL(col, 0) FROM tab

That is: If the first value passed to IFNULL is NULL (here the value from "col"), take the second value (here 0).

However, you can only use IFNULL() with 2 parameters. So, it is not as flexible in use as COALESCE().
2014-04-01 at 15:31

ReplyPositive Negative
04 Votes

Another little tip: In MySQL, a DEFAULT value can be defined for each column.

Perhaps this can help you. Because, if you set the DEFAULT value of your column to "0", this value is written automatically to each new cell when a new line is added to the database.

Of course, this tip cannot be used when trying values from rows that are non-existent.
Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2014-04-01

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68 Votes

Another possibility is to use the IF condition of MySQL:

SELECT id, IF(col IS NULL, 0, col) FROM tab

In this IF condition, we check whether "col" is NULL via "col IS NULL". If yes, we return the alternative (here that is 0); if no, we return the content of "col".
2015-07-08 at 15:52

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