13 Votes

MySQL: Set Initial Value for AUTO INCREMENT

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-07-02 | Created on 2015-03-02

In my MySQL database, I have set one column (ID) to AUTO_INCREMENT in order to increase the value of the ID by 1 with each data record that is inserted.

Apparently, MySQL starts counting at 1 by default. However, I would like to define another starting or initial value. Is there any possibility to define an arbitrary value for this?

2Best Answer2 Votes

First of all, you should create your table containing the AUTO_INCREMENT column. When the table is existing, you can use the following command to adjust the AUTO_INCREMENT value according to your needs:


This sample would ensure, that the next inserted AUTO_INCREMENT-value of the table "tab" will be 1000.

PS: Of course, only in case of that this value has not been assigned yet.
Last update on 2021-07-02 | Created on 2015-03-04

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