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Passport must be valid longer than I'm abroad! Why?

Question by Guest | 2012-11-22 at 19:30

I am planning a trip to a country for which a passport is required. My current passport expires one week after my departure from abroad, so it would be valid for all the time during my stay.

Actually, I thought that was not a problem. But now the lady from the travel agency has told me that my pass has to be valid 3 months longer than the date of departure. However, she could not tell me the reason why. Instead, she said, this applies for many countries around the world.

Is she right in saying? And if so, why is this necessary?

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Unfortunately, she's right. Most states allow an entry only when the passport is valid for at least 3 months longer than the time of departure. So, I would quickly care for an extended passport.

The intention is the following: The countries are preparing for a situation that you get sick during your stay, that you could have an accident or that there are other reasons to stay longer in the country resulting from a delayed departure. So, they require a three-month buffer, so that there is no risk that you are automatically illegally in the country when staying some days longer.
2012-11-24 at 17:21

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