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PC Case: What is a Window Kit?

Question by Larosso | 2017-05-17 at 10:46

At the moment, I am trying to build a computer on my own and recently I searched some offers for the housing respectively the computer case.

Several online shops are providing a filter called "window kit" when searching those cases. The Window Kit seems to be a category with which such boxes and housings are described. However, I have no idea what such window kit should be.

Can someone explain what that is and whether I should take a case with or without it? Should a good case have a window kit or not? 

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Window-Kit means that there is a window in the computer case through which you can see inside.

With the filter you have found when searching the online shops, you can select whether cases with or without a window should be shown.

Whether you need such a window or not is a matter of taste. There are good or bad cases with or without window. If you prefer to see your hardware or if you want to illuminate the inner of your PC, such a window is a good idea. Otherwise, as I have said, it is just a matter of case and in principle it is just a gimmick.
2017-05-17 at 15:19

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