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On AskingBox since 2011-11-10 | 8 Questions | 3 Articles | 40 Answers | 16 best Answers


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Another alternative: Upload the file to a one-click hoster like Rapidshare and Co. This is usually quite quick and...

Tip | How to send E-Mails with EXE Attachment

The problem with your code is as follows: You have an array with two elements (indexes 0 and 1). Then you loop through...

Question | Print current and next Value of Array - Undefined Array Key Error

PSU is the English abbreviation for Power Supply Unit. This means nothing more than the power adapter,...

Question | Meaning of PSU in a Computer

For removing those notifications, just pull down the status bar from the top of your phone and swipe each notification...

Question | Smartphone: Remove Notifications

Window-Kit means that there is a window in the computer case through which you can see inside. With the...

Question | PC Case: What is a Window Kit?

SQLite is storing the last ROWID within the table SQLITE_SEQUENCE that is automatically managed by SQLite. The...

Question | SQLite: Reset AUTOINCREMENT