22 Votes

Remove duplicate Rows from CSV Files

Question by Guest | 2023-03-29 at 17:57

I have several CSV files that may contain some duplicate rows having the same content. I would like to delete these duplicate lines from every CSV file.

However, in the CSV Actions of the TextConverter, I have not found a function for removing all lines that occur more than once. How can I perform this kind of editing?

2Best Answer2 Votes

You can find the functions for deleting duplicate lines in the Line Actions of the TextConverter, not in the CSV Actions.

To delete the affected rows, you just have to activate the following option:

  • Actions > Lines > Delete Lines > Delete Double Lines

Of course, this function can not only be used for CSV files but also for removing duplicate lines from any other type of text file.
2023-03-29 at 18:41

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