00 Votes

Rename Files according to Folder Name

Question by Guest | 2018-09-27 at 13:47

I have hundrets of file folders containing images with the names 0001.tiff, 0002.tiff, 0002.tiff etc. - these would have to be renamed to folder_name_0001.tiff, folder_name_0002.tiff, folder_name_0003.tiff etc.

Is it possible to do that in a batch process, that is, that I let run the same procedure for hundrets of folders? If I have to do it for each folder individually, then it takes forever.

1Best Answer1 Vote

This is possible with little effort using the program FileRenamer (free for Windows, Linux and macOS).

Here is how to carry out your desired renaming:

  1. On the right side of the program, go to Changes > Name > Mask.
  2. As mask, use: %folder-1%_%name%

The placeholder %folder-1% stands for the name of the folder in which the file is located directly (with %folder-2% etc you would address another folder name in the path). The placeholder %name% stands for the old file name. With the mask %folder-1%_%name% you can set the new file name from the folder name + the character _ + the old file name.

You do not have to worry about adding all those folders. The files do not have to be added individually. It is enough to drag the parent folder to the program (if all of your folders are in the same folder, then all files will be added automatically). If your folders also contain files that you do not want to add, you can also click on "Filter" in the upper right corner, for example, to get only the TIFF files from the folders you add.

A little tutorial on the subject you can find here. If you have any questions, just leave a comment here.
2018-09-28 at 09:00

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