00 Votes

Unknown icon in mobile phone toolbar: White dot with note

Question by Guest | 2018-03-25 at 20:45

For a few days, I have always had a white dot or circle with a note in my mobile phone toolbar. What does that mean?

It is always there for a short time. Sometimes you can barely recognize the symbol.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Are you sure it's a note? This short fade of the icon would fit quite well with the eye icon in the smartphone toolbar - and an eye can look a bit similar to a note.

A note icon is also on my phone, but only if I hear music or put the headphones in the phone. That can not be the issue in your case, because then the icon would be permanently visible - or your headphone connection has a loose contact that it always appears again (even if that is quite unlikely).
2018-03-26 at 01:37

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