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WhatsApp: Use one Account with multiple Phones

Question by Guest | 2015-01-07 at 15:41

Recently, I bought a new smartphone, but from time to time I am still going out with my old one, because in some situations I do not want to take my new.

Nevertheless, I would like to always go online with the same Whats App account so that I do not miss any message - regardless of the current phone device I am using.

Is it possible to use the same WhatsApp account on two different mobile phones? What do you think?

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After installing WhatsApp, it is necessary to verify your mobile number. For this, WhatsApp is sending you an automatic text message containing a verification code to your number.

If you are now installing and registering WhatsApp on your first device, and after that you are putting your SIM card into your second phone on which you are installing and registering WhatsApp again, WhatsApp should be operational on both phones with your account.

A WhatsApp account is always bind to a specific phone number. So, it is not possible to use the same account from two different phone numbers, but with using the method I have explained, it would probably work because it is the same registration number in both cases (even if there will be another SIM in the phone after finishing the verification process).

However, I do not know whether WhatsApp has something against doing so and I do not have test the procedure. At least, I recommend not going online simultaneously with both phones at the same time, otherwise, probably WhatsApp may terminate your account. As I remember, WhatsApp ones has written on its website that users that are constantly switching between devices can be excluded from the verification process.
2015-01-07 at 15:57

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