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Why are Obsessive Compulsive Disorders belonging to Anxiety Disorders?

Question by Guest | 2013-06-21 at 19:49

According to some classifications, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) such as Compulsive Acts and Obsessive Thoughts are classed among the group of Anxiety Disorders.

But where is the exact connection between an OCD and an Anxiety Disorder and how did people come to this classification? I fail to understand what these disorders have in common.

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Perhaps, the association is not apparent at first sight, but there is one:

  • Obsessive Thoughts trigger anxiety.
  • Compulsive Acts are performed in order to reduce or suppress anxiety. If patients are trying to oppose the execution of their complaints, also this triggers anxiety.

Thus, there is certainly an interconnection between compulsion and fear.
2013-06-21 at 23:30

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