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Why does it take much longer to charge a phone at a computer compared to a socket?

Question by Guest | 2013-10-22 at 21:20

I have a smartphone that can be charged via a USB cable. What irritates me is that the charging time greatly depends on where you charge the phone.

If you connect the phone to the USB port of a computer or laptop, charging lasts forever. But when I am using the USB adapter plug and connect to the wall power socket instead, it is much more faster.

How can that be possible?

1Best Answer1 Vote

The answer to your question is relatively simple: Through the USB port at the computer simply much less current can flow compared to the adapter and the power socket at the wall. Therefore, it takes much more longer for the battery to get fully charged at the USB port.

More specifically, at the USB port a maximum current of 500 mA is available, while the power socket adapter is providing twice with 1 A. At a voltage of 5 Volts, that are 1A*5V = 5 Watts from the socket and 0,5A*5V = 2.5 Watts from the computers USB port.
2013-10-24 at 22:42

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