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Why is number abbreviated as No?

Question by Ive | 2011-11-24 at 18:59

I wonder why the word "number" is actually shortened with "No". There is even the character № available.

Judging from the English word "number", there is no hint to the appearance of the "o" in "No". I also know no other language, from which the origin might come from.  Does anyone know more?

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The symbol № is called Numero Sign. And so, it should also be clear where the "O" is coming from.

The word Numero has a Latin origin and is still used in many Romance languages​​, such as French, Spanish and Portuguese.

In Latin, "numerus" is the word for "number". "Numero" is the ablative of "numerus", which  means something like "with the number".
2011-11-27 at 15:43

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