24 Votes

Will newspaper die in our life?

Question by Nacyee | 2019-10-12 at 10:20

As we all know that internet breaks the boundary in the long distance. We can communicate with people who live far away conveniently. We can do all kind of thing on line. Nowadays, we acquire information through cyberworld. Will newspaper or magazine disappear in our life?

33 Votes

That's a good question and in the long run, the answer to that question is yes, in my opinion.

However, I'm consciously saying "in the long run", because I think that there is still room for printed newspapers nowadays. Yes, you can see that one newspaper after the other is dying, but there are still people that want to read newspapers on paper. Those people will keep some newspapers alive. When one newspaper is dead, some readers will go to another newspaper so that there will happen a concentration on few newspapers that still have enough readers to finance themselves.

In the long run, however, I think that more and more people are growing up in the online world and those people from the offline world are becoming less and less. And that will be the time the last newspaper will die.
2019-10-12 at 14:59

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

No. Today not all people can afford or work with Internet. It's mostly poor and old people that don't have access, so newspapers and books will not disappear.
2022-04-18 at 14:52

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