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CSS Text Wrapper - Wrap text with CSS in any shape

Tip by Progger99 | 2012-04-26 at 15:02

Letting the outer edges of a text run into any shape - as a circle, a zigzag line, a wine glass, slanting across the page or only slightly curved - is more than difficult with CSS, because the whole CSS box model is rather based on rectangles than on free forms.

Of course there are now also round edges with CSS, with which you can align text in a curved way, but it is much easier to use the following service:

CSS Text Wrapper

On this page, there is the possibility to enter a text and simply determine the sides of the text freely. For this purpose, you draw and adjust the lines on the sides of the text as you want them. If you need more corners, just click on the line and you get another point which you can move freely.

Try it out, it's very easy and you immediately get the CSS code you need to make your text look like and wrap like you want. On the website, you will also find some demos and video explanations, making it even easier for you to understand how to do it.


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