35 Votes

Delphi/Lazarus: Retrieve Cursor Position relative to Form/Window

Tip by Delphian | Last update on 2023-11-24 | Created on 2013-04-03

With the function GetCursorPos(), you are able to get the cursor position relative to the screen. Here is a way of how to get the position of the cursor relative to a form (window):

  P: TPoint;
  P := Form1.ScreenToClient(P);
  Form1.Caption := inttostr(P.X + ' ' + inttostr(P.Y));

First, we are using GetCursorPos() to save the current mouse position to the point P. After that, we convert the screen coordinates to the form coordinates of Form1 by using ScreenToClient(). Finally, we output the converted coordinates as the caption of our window.


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