Save money when you have a cold
Tip by Collin McNeil | Last update on 2022-12-27 | Created on 2012-05-09
Admittedly, the name of this advice is a bit unusual - just because we are not often talking openly about this issue. But I want to take the theme of saving money for colds!
How this works? It's simple. We briefly analyze the cost of handkerchiefs, which come to us for colds. We start from the assumption that we have bought a large box of tissues for € 3,99. The large pack contains 42 packages, each containing 10 tissues. That makes:
Therefore, per handkerchief, costs of about € 0.0095 comes to us. These are € 9.50 when blowing your nose for 1000 times!
Can it be cheaper?
If we have a really runny nose, that value is reached rapidly and we spend heaps of money. What can we do do? Is there a possibility to make it cheaper?
Yes it is possible. Let's take a look at the bill with toilet paper. We start from a pack of luxurious 3-ply toilet paper for 2.99 euros. This contains 10 rolls of toilet paper with 200 sheets. Accordingly, a leaf costs:
This Is 6 times less than the cost of a tissue! 1000 times blowing your nose with toilet paper would cost only 1.50 euros!
Even if we are using 2 or 3 sheets of toilet paper for a one-time cleaning of the nose, we are still cheaper here than with the handkerchiefs!
Could I be even more cheaper?
Yes, it can be even cheaper than this! We must use the paper more often than just once! Here the cost of 1000 times blowing your nose for handkerchiefs, 1 toilet paper and 3 toilet paper per cleaning procedure are compared:
Usage | Handkerchiefs | 1 Toilet Paper | 3 Toilet Papers |
1 times | 9,50 € | 1,50 € | 4,50 € |
2 times | 4,75 € | 0,75 € | 2,25 € |
3 times | 3,17 € | 0,50 € | 1,50 € |
5 times | 1,90 € | 0,30 € | 0,90 € |
10 times | 0,95 € | 0,15 € | 0,45 € |
In the first line, we can see our determined values from above. After that, we can see what happens, if we do not throw the towels away after their first usage, but use them multiple times. The table speaks for itself!
If we are using a toilet paper for 10 times instead of once a normal tissue, the cost of € 9,50 is reduced to only 15 cents per 1000 cleaning acts. With these savings, it is even justified to use whopping 3 leaves per procedure instead of using a single lead, which are then only 45 cents per 1000 cleaning operations. So you save in the household!
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