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Simply select a Category for a new Askingbox Topic

Tip by AskingBox Moderation | 2012-03-14 at 21:38

If you want to post a new topic, it is sometimes a bit difficult to find the correct category for the subject, if you have to click through the many categories that are available.

One way to solve this problem would be to reduce the number of categories on askingbox.com. Of course, we do not do this, because a large number of categories makes finding a topic easier for you. Instead, we want to show you some other simplifications at this point, that makes you quickly and easily create your topic in the correct category.

Create Topic from Portal

In each portal, you can find the header "Participate" in the right column. Here you can select the kind of topic (question, article, etc) you would kike to create. If you then click on the arrow next to the box, you simply go to the page where you can enter your topic and the desired category is already selected. So you have to do nothing further.

Using the Search

Enter the name of a portal such as "Biology", "Psychology" or "Relationships" directly into the search box at the top right of the page, to go directly to the corresponding portal. Again, it saves you from clicking through all of the categories and again you can use the area "Participate" to open a new topic immediately.

No category is fitting

If no available category for your topic fits, simply select the next parent category, in which your theme is fitting. From time to time we are expanding our categories. If you tell us about a missing category, we may order your topic to a new fitting category soon.


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