What are the categories at the Oscars?
Info by Series Junkie | Last update on 2023-06-03 | Created on 2014-07-08
The Academy Awards, which are better known as the Oscars, are awarded in a total of 23 categories.
The following table is showing all categories of the film award including the year in which the corresponding Oscar was awarded for the first time.
Category | Since |
Best Picture | 1929 |
Best Director | 1929 |
Best Actor in a Leading Role | 1929 |
Best Actress in a Leading Role | 1929 |
Best Actor in a Supporting Role | 1937 |
Best Actress in a Supporting Role | 1937 |
Best Cinematography | 1929 |
Best Production Design | 1929 |
Best Adapted Screenplay | 1929 |
Best Original Screenplay | 1941 |
Best Animated Short Film | 1932 |
Best Live Action Short Film | 1932 |
Best Original Score | 1935 |
Best Original Song | 1935 |
Best Film Editing | 1935 |
Best Sound | 1930 |
Best Visual Effects | 1940 |
Best Costume Design | 1949 |
Best Documentary Feature | 1942 |
Best Documentary Short Subject | 1943 |
Best International Feature Film | 1947 |
Best Makeup and Hairstyling | 1982 |
Best Animated Feature | 2002 |
Note: The original names of some of the categories have changed during the time. Therefore, it could be, that you encounter some other category titles at some place.
Discontinued Categories
Some awards of the film prize were only awarded at some former ceremonies and are now discontinued . These include:
Category | Time Period |
Best Engineering Effects | only 1929 |
Best Title Writing | only 1929 |
Best Artistic Quality of Production | only 1929 |
Best Original Story | 1929-1957 |
Best Assistant Director | 1933–1937 |
Best Dance Direction | 1935–1937 |
Best Sound Editing | 1963–2019 |
Renamings and differentiations of prize categories that are still existing such as "Best Short Film - Color" (1937-1938), "Best Short Film – Novelty" (1933-1936), "Best Score – Adaptation or Treatment" (1962-1969 and 1973) or "Best Foreign Language Film" (until 2020) versus "Best International Feature Film" (since 2021) are not included in this table.
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