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Test HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Frameworks

Tip by Stefan Trost | 2012-03-13 at 19:35

Today, I would like to introduce to you a website, that is mostly of interest to web designers. On the page JSFIDDLE, you can test and try easily and quickly HTML fragments, CSS formatting and JavaScripts.

On the page, you can find four boxes, one for the HTML code, the CSS styles, the JavaScript, and, of course, the preview. After you have entered your corresponding code into the boxes, you can click "Run" in the panel above, the web page will be displayed in the preview and the code is executed.

Particularly interesting for the developers, who use frameworks like jQuery, Prototype, Mootools, YUI, Glow, Dojo, ExtJS, Raphael, RightJS, Three.js or Zepto: When testing, these frameworks can be included in any major versions, so that even corresponding functions, that use the frameworks, can be tested without any problems.

Additional opportunities are offered by an integrated Validator, a clean-up function and the ability to share your results. If you click on the button "Share" above, you can generate a link, with which you can always call the current result. This function is interesting, for example, if you want to publish some (working) code snippets on the Internet, because with this, you only have to share the corresponding link.


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