33 Votes

Change Write Protection of multiple Files at once

Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2023-02-22 | Created on 2016-04-08

In order to change the "read only" attribute of a file, usually, first you have to right click on the file, you have to select "Properties" from the context menu and you have to set or remove the hook from the "read only" option. Unfortunately, often I have to do this task for many files at the same time and you can imagine that it is much work to open the property dialog for so many files individually. So, is there any possibility to change the writing protection attribute from many files at once without this dialog?

File attributes of many files can be set or removed simultaneously using the tool FileRenamer on Windows, macOS and Linux. Even if the name of the program does not suggest it, the tool can not only be used to rename files, but also to change file attributes. You can proceed as follows:

  1. First, we are adding all files for which we would like to change the write protection to the file list in the FileRenamer. For this, you can simply drag and drop files and folders from the Explorer onto the program.
  2. On the right side, you can find in the section "Changes" the point "Attributes". Below, there is the option "Read Only". We enable this point and either select "Set Attribute" or "Remove Attribute" from the options depending on whether we want to add or remove the writing protection attribute.
  3. Last, we only have to click on the button "Apply Changes" located in the lower right corner of the application in order to change the attributes of all files in the file list of the program.

By the way, we can not only change the writing protection of files but also the writing protection of folders using the FileRenamer. For this, we can select files and/or folders in the top right corner of the program under "Include". With enabling the "Folders" option, you can also add folders onto the program in order to edit their attributes.


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