4044 Votes
62.298 Points

For Nature

On AskingBox since 2011-11-20 | 1 Question | 2 Articles | 13 Answers | 9 best Answers


Last Comments by For Nature

Growing your own food in your garden can be a great step towards achieving more independence and self-sustainability....

Question | How to us my garden for more independence?

The fundamental difference is that on the bicycle road (Fahrradstraße), the entire street or roadway is actually...

Question | Difference between Bike Path and Bicycle Road in Germany (Radweg and Fahrradstraße)

Of course, the cold is also a reason for the different sensation. After all, the wet water from above looks like a...

Question | Why does the rain smell better in summer than in winter?

The answer to this question is relatively simple. How do plants grow? Of course always to the light! And that's...

Question | Why is the banana crooked?

The answer to this question again lies in the tiny water droplets forming a cloud. We can not consider the weight of...

Question | Why do clouds not fall from the sky?

Of course, you cannot answer this question in general, because every cloud has a different size and thus may have a...

Question | How heavy are clouds?