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How quick is hair growing?

Info by Lipstick | 2013-03-04 at 18:56

Often, it is the question of how fast actually hair grows or regrows after the hair has been cut. Or how long it takes for the hair to return to a specific length.

Hair grows an average of 0.2 to 0.4 millimeters a day.

However, these values are different from person to person. If we assume from the average, we get the following results. Then, on average, we can expect about one centimeter per month.

1 day0,2 to 0,4 mm
1 week1,4 to 2,8 mm
1 month6,1 to 12,2 mm
1 year7,3 to 14,6 cm

So it would take about 2 to 3 years before a 30-centimeter long pigtail has grown.

Letting hair grow faster

What can you do to make your hair growing faster. Here are some facts about that:

If you should have other ideas or question about growing hair, let me know, I will add the topics to this list.


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