Android Audio Recorder
Question by Xchris | 2013-11-14 at 19:06
I’m really new in java programming. I’m trying to build an android application that will be enabled by NFC, record sound (during sleep) continuously (in separated files of 1-2 minutes length and then start a new recording file), uploading each one of them (right after it’s recorded) on a server and then deleting them from the phone. Also I want to add a UTC timestamp to every file, to be able to synchronize these sounds recordings with other signals, on the same graph.
I’ve found this ( open source app, which records audio. I need to make it to:
1. Start while I put the phone on the NFC
2. Record files with 1-2 minutes max length
3. Upload each one on the server and then delete it from the phone
4. Add UTC timestamps
Could you help me with any of these? Any Help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Xchris, that are many questions in one. It would be better if you split your task into several sub-tasks and open a new question for each of those tasks.
Otherwise, it is hard to help you, because we do not know at which point you cannot go on with your work.
Possible questions are "How to react to NFC", "How to stop/start file recording after a time/with a time limit", "How to delete files" and so on. Than we can link all of this questions here.
If I have some more time this evening, I will look up some of this questions for you.
2013-11-14 at 21:22
Thanks for your response!
Ok, I'll split my questions.
As I said, I'm new in Java (still learning). Could you suggest me a page which I could have free java lessons and excersises? Should I also have lessons for android?
2013-11-15 at 20:45
My advice: Learning by doing.
Just start making a simple tool and google for the functions you want or the troubles you are running in.
You should have basic Java knowledge, but if you want to interact with the phone or if you want to use the GUI elements, than you have to learn Android specific thinks. In my opinion, it is 30 % Java and 70 % Android stuff.
2013-11-16 at 03:42
Thanks. I'll try build it and I hope if I have any questions, you could answer them.
2013-11-16 at 19:45
Hi again
My professor changed the requirements of the application and now the first thing I need to do is to make it "hear" the sound and display the amplitude of it. I use the getMaxAmplitude method, but it returns 0 always.Here's my code :
2013-12-03 at 11:42