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Android SDK Manager not showing new API Versions

Question by Guest | 2016-09-24 at 21:20

I have not worked on my apps for a long time, but yesterday, I could brace myself up to do so.

However, I already failed at the first bite. Namely, it was not possible to get the newest and recent APIs using my Android SDK Manager. When I have used it for the last time, I have downloaded all APIs up to API 19 (Android 4.4.2). Those old APIs are still available in the application. But now, I need at least the version API 23 (Android 6.0). However, the program is not showing this API as a download in the list.

I have tried to initialize a refresh via the menu and the SDK manager even has loaded some new items to the list after doing so, but ironically not the newest ones. What can I do?

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Quite at the top of the list, you should find the package "Tools > Android SDK Tools". Select this entry from the list and execute an update of this entry. In my SDK manager, this is enough to get all current APIs.

If your installation should be that old that this is not working, I recommend to just download the newest version of the Android SDK from the Android Developers website.
2016-09-25 at 13:06

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