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Windows 7: Open Task Manager on the direct way

Tip by Computer Expert | 2014-04-27 at 18:14

From Windows XP times, we were used to open the Windows Task Manager without any detours just by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + DEL. However, when trying this key sequence in Windows 7 you cannot reach your target on the direct way.

Namely, when pressing those magic keys in Windows 7, instead of the Taskmanager, another window opens that is covering the whole screen. Beyond some other functions, it is possible to call the Task Manager also from this screen.

But if you would like to have a look at the Task-Manager more often, at some point, you will really wonder, if there is an easier and quicker way to open the manager. Just like it was before.

Keyboard Shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC

And there is a possibility. When pressing the keystroke combination CTRL + SHIFT + ESC instead of CTRL + ALT + DEL, the Task Manager will open immediately without detour.


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