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App for faster Battery Charging: Speed up Charging Process

Question by Guest | 2013-10-24 at 21:08

My smartphone needs a lot of time to fully charge its battery. Time that I often just do not have. For example, I come home from work, I'm only home for a short time and then I am going out. In the meantime, there is hardly half an hour of time in which I can only manage a 20% charge of my phone if I'm lucky.

Is there any app or are there any other ways to speed up the charging process? I am open to any suggestions!

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I do not know such an app, but I think it is technically not possible to create such an application because the battery is part of the hardware of the mobile and therefore it is subject to the appropriate technical limits.

Behind the app, I can recommend the following things:

  • Car charger: You say you are often on the road. If you are traveling by car, a car charger for the phone might be a good choice for you. Then you can charge your phone on the go.
  • Battery pack: If you are traveling by bus or train, a so-called battery pack can help you that should be available for all current models. Battery packs can also charge phones on the move.
  • Additional battery: Also an additional fully charged extra battery in your pocket can help you. If in doubt, simply replace the full with the empty.
  • Charging at night: I do not know the time, when you are usually charging the phone. But while you sleep, there should be enough time. 

In my tip for faster charging mobile phones and smartphones, I have collected some other tips on how it is possible to reduce the time of loading in a natural way. 
2013-10-24 at 22:39

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