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Are 0800 numbers also free from mobile phones?

Question by Baby3 | 2018-03-23 at 20:43

Can you actually call a 0800 number from a mobile phone for free? Or is that possible only over the fixed lines network respectively landline? Calls from mobile phones are often totally overpriced! How is that in the case of a 0800 number.

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If you call a 0800 number from Germany, this is always free. No matter whether you call the number with the mobile phone or over the landline.

The only thing that can happen is that the number can not be reached over the mobile phone network. Since the cost of calling a 0800 number is taken over by the provider of the number, some providers only allow calls from the landline, because otherwise it is too expensive for them. In individual cases, you have to try this yourself for your number.

Caution is also required abroad. Although there are many other countries, also providing the free 0800 area code, there are exceptions in some countries. Each country can have its own regulation.
2018-03-23 at 20:54

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