00 Votes

Batch/CMD: Pass Parameters containing Spaces

Question by Guest | 2014-06-10 at 16:58

I would like to pass a file path to one of my applications via the command line (later I want to use a batch script for this).

Unfortunately, this is only working when the path does not contain any spaces or blanks.

What can I do to be able to pass a parameter even if it contains a space?

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Usually, spaces are used to divide the single parameters from each other. For example, when passing 

prog.exe C:\Folder A\File.txt

to the program prog.exe, the application would receive two parameters. That is "C:\Folder" as the first parameter and "A\File.txt" as the second parameter.

prog.exe "C:\Folder A\File.txt"

You have to surround the parameters containing spaces with quotation marks. This makes them to be recognized as only one individual parameter.
2014-06-10 at 19:37

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