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Budgies: Differ males and females

Question by Guest | 2018-03-25 at 12:55

Is there actually a way for a budgie to check whether the bird is female or male - so to determine the gender?

When I look at my two budgies, I do not see any difference at all. The merchant said when buying them that it is a female budgerigar and a male budgerigar. But how to determine it?

2Best Answer4 Votes

The gender of a budgie can usually be easily recognized by the color of the beak/nose.

  • Females have a continuous orange/brown beak.
  • Males, on the other hand, have the upper part of the beak (the nose, waxy skin) blue. Often even the whole beak is slightly colored bluish.

But beware: When females are sick or have hormonal fluctuations, the nose can turn blue, too. In males, however, the nose is always blue.
2018-03-25 at 21:52

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