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Can I use oil for a lawnmower/motor scooter for my car?

Question by Guest | 2013-01-06 at 16:24

I still have a lot of motor oil left, that I have always used for my mower and my scooter. In principal, can I use this oil for my car without any problems?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Never! With this subject, great care must be taken! You can not simply mix oils for different motor or enginge designs!

Lawnmowers and motor scooters have 2-stroke engines, a car mostly has a 4-stroke engine and you can not use oils for 2-stroke engines in a 4-stroke engine, otherwise an engine damage can be the result!

For more information, have a look at my answer to the question: Can I mix different engine oils?
2013-01-07 at 18:46

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