00 Votes

Can it be exported to a collapsible HTML file?

Question by Guest | 2020-01-29 at 08:02

I want to list a MP3 directories and to have it exported to HTML which should have + sign for the directories to display the subdirectories and evenrually the files.

The first time I open the files it should show only the top level directories (Bands) then the next sub-directories (Album name) and so on.

Is it possible?

Thank you

00 Votes

In the current version of the Filelist Creator, it is possible to create HTML lists and it is possible to list audio tag information such as artist, title and so on from MP3 files.

However, it is not possible to create HTML lists with dynamic JavaScript elements like you are talking about. But it's an interesting idea for future.
2020-01-29 at 20:09

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