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Connect old printer with new computer

Question by Guest | 2012-04-23 at 15:13

I bought a new computer and just as I was connecting everything, I recognized, that there is no more a connection option for my old printer! The new computer has only USB ports and I still have this old long printer port at my printer, parallel port, I think it is called. Of course, I have not thought about this when buying the new computer!

What should I do now? Do I have to throw away my old printer now?

00 Votes

Of course, this is really annoying, but you do not have to throw away your old printer fortunately! Because, exactly for this case, there are adapters available having the old printer port at their one side and a new USB port at their other side.

Just search for "USB to parallel converter" or similar, then you will find the corresponding products on the Internet. Or, ideally, you go to an electric market, there where the cables usually hang around, should also be such a adapter. Of course, you have to take care of getting the right adapter, so the best would be to take the old printer cable with you to the market.
2012-04-24 at 18:05

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That is right, you need such a USB parallel port adapter! However, we can not guarantee, that it will work with it, because you have probably also a different operating system on the new computer and there would be the question whether the system supports the printer or if there are corresponding drivers for it for the new system etc. If necessary, you have to give it a try.

Incidentally, such a cable can also be used if you wish to connect your printer to a laptop or netbook. They've usually also not a parallel port to use the printer directly.
2012-04-24 at 21:28

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