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Convert many Text Files to DOCX or ODT Documents

Question by Guest | 2023-12-17 at 21:14

I have a large number of plain text files (TXT) that I would like to convert into Office documents. That is in one of the formats DOCX (Microsoft Word Document) or ODT (Open Document Text).

Of course, I could open each text file individually in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice or OpenOffice or copy the text into one of these programs in order to then save each file respectively text individually as a document, but as I said, the number of files is very large and that would take a lot of time (I don't have).

Hence my question: Isn't there a simpler solution that allows me to convert a large amount of text files into DOCX or ODT documents quickly and easily?

2Best Answer2 Votes

This task can be carried out with any number of files in seconds using the TextConverter.

Just follow the following steps:

  1. First, add all the text files you want to convert, to the file list in the TextConverter. To do this, you can simply drag the files or entire folders containing files onto the program or open them in the program.
  2. Then select "Save as new File" in the Storage Options on the lower right and choose "DOCX" or "ODT" as file extension.
  3. As name for the files, you can use the placeholder "%name%" if you want to take over the old name of the file (“text.txt” then becomes “text.docx”). Of course, you can also use any other file name, the drop-down menu contains some suggestions. The same applies to the folder in which you want to save the files.
  4. Finally, just click on the button "Convert and Save" to convert all text files from the file list into Office documents according to your currently selected storage options.

By the way, the Text Converter can not only convert text files into DOCX or ODT documents, but also CSV files into XLSX or ODS spreadsheets.
Last update on 2023-12-23 | Created on 2023-12-17

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