Keyboard Shortcut for Printing Files
Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2022-11-23 | Created on 2016-04-08
I have a series of documents such as PDF documents, Microsoft Word Documents (DOCX), OpenOffice files (ODT) or even the one or other text file, I have to print regularly all at once. Now, it is much work to open each of those files in their individual programs just to open the printer dialog each time and again and again. So, isn't there any possibility on Windows to define some key combination or keyboard shortcut to do this printing job at once without having to open all of the files individually?
Answer: You can do that using the application FasterFiles. Just follow the following steps to set up your print hotkey:
- After starting Faster Files, click on the button "New HotKey" and enter your desired key combination. Select from the options that your hotkey should only have one Action List if you only want to use the hotkey for printing.
- Click on the button "Save" to create the HotKey and then select the HotKey from the HotKey list on the left side of the main window.
- Click on "Add Action" and select "Print File or Folder Content".
- Now you can determine which files should be printed and whether a specific printer or the default printer should be used. You can just drag and drop the files you want to print from the Windows Explorer onto the window to add files to the list. A detailed explanation of all available options as well of the technical details can be found in the action description for printing.
- Last, click on "Save" and you printing key combination will be active.
By the way, instead of files, you can also define one or more entire folders for printing out. In this case, the entire content of the specified folder will be printed - that means all files that are stored in the corresponding folder at the time of the call. This method is a good choice especially when it is not clear which files will be in the desired folder and if those files must be variable.
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