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Convert Word Files into PDF Document

Question by Guest | 2012-04-17 at 08:51

I need a PDF document and have a Word file with the extension DOC. Now I need to convert that DOC file into a PDF file somehow.

I have already tried to simply change the extension of the file, but that seems not to work. Can anyone explain it for dummies?

3Best Answer3 Votes

There are several ways to create PDF documents from Word files. Simply switching the file extension of the file, however, belongs not to this ways, because Word and PDF files are constructed differently internally. If you change only the ending, the internal structure of the file does not change and the file stays a Word file in the wrong packaging. Here's what I can recommend to you:

Save as PDF in Word

If you use a newer version of Word, it may be, that Word already supports the saving as a PDF natively. Open the file in Word and go to "Save As". Here you can look at the list of file types, whether there is somewhere "PDF (*.pdf)" or something like that. If you click on it, you can directly save the file as a PDF. Of course, with this, you will also keep your original Word document.

Use OpenOffice

If you have the ability to open your Word file in OpenOffice, it's even easier. After you have opened the document, take a look at the top toolbar. Somewhere, a little icon is available labeled with "PDF". If you click on that icon there, a "Save As" dialog box opens and you can save your document as PDF.

Use PDF printer

Install the PDF Creator or the program PDF24 Creator on your computer. If you do that, restart Word and open your Word file in Word. Then you go to print, and do so, as if you want to print your file. Here you go to the list of printers availableon your computer. In this list, instead of your normal printer, you should select the PDF Creator. And then you can create a PDF simply with the print command. Of course, you can also use the PDF Creator from all other programs on your computer supporting a print function, if you want to convert other files to PDF.
2012-04-18 at 17:12

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