Countries without withholding tax on dividends
Question by Guest | 2018-06-27 at 19:16
I have some foreign stocks in my stock portfolio and it is always annoying to see how much money some countries have withheld from my dividend. For example, Switzerland levies 35% withholding tax, which is much more than what I have to pay on my capital income!
Are there countries that do not levy withholding tax and where I have to pay taxes for my dividends only in my country?
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Countries that do not apply withholding tax on dividends are rarely. However, they exist. Currently, I know the following countries:
The United Kingdom is particularly interesting in this context, as many stocks with high dividends are located there. Examples include BP, Royal Dutch Shell or HSBC.
However, there are also few problems in the USA, where the withholding tax rate is 30%, but still only 15% are calculated when you are living in Germany, for example. Thus, the withholding tax can be fully credited. Also in Luxembourg and the Netherlands, the withholding tax rate is a maximum of 15% and can therefore be fully offset in that case.
2018-06-28 at 11:15