22 Votes

German Tax Declaration: Round up or down?

Question by Mandy | 2022-07-23 at 19:29

I am currently working on my first German Tax Declaration (Steuererklärung). I noticed quickly that some fields do not allow decimal places (Elster is complaining) - so the corresponding values have to be rounded!

The question is: How? Should I round to the nearest Euro, should I always round up or should I simply cut off the decimal places (i.e. always round down)? Are there any rules for this?

To be honest, I find this type of form very strange, since the tax office otherwise always takes anything so precisely (supposedly)! The very fact that almost arbitrarily some values should be entered with decimal places and others without is completely abstruse and does not follow any logical pattern. But that's another topic...

2Best Answer2 Votes

If the form does not allow decimal places, you are always allowed to round in your own favor.

  • This means that if a larger amount would be better for you (for example, for expenses that you declare), you can round up.
  • And if a smaller amount would be better for you (for example in the event of earnings or reimbursements), you can round down.

Of course only until the next full euro and only if the corresponding field does not allow cent amounts. If cent amounts are possible to enter, you have to specify the exact value and you are not allowed to round or to just enter .00 or something the like.

And what is also important: You are only allowed to round the resulting value, that is then really entered into the corresponding field. If, for example, an entry is composed of the individual amounts 10.90 and 10.90 = 21.80, you can round down the sum 21.80 to 21, but not the individual amounts each, which would be 10 + 10 = 20 in total.
2022-07-22 at 22:07

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