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CSS: Default Value for Height

Question by Compi | 2016-02-16 at 17:56

I have a DIV container to which I have applied a fixed width using the property "height" in an external stylesheet file.

However, there is one HTML page on which I would like to replace this fixed height with the default height of a standard DIV. That means, although I have defined a fixed height within my stylesheet, I would like to read that height via inline CSS for a specific element so that the height is adjusting dynamically to the content as usual.

How can I do that? Sure, it would be easy when we would talk about the width - then I could just overwrite with 100% - but we are talking about the height and here that is not possible. Does someone have any idea?

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The default value for height is "auto".

So, you just have to overwrite the height with "height:auto" for the corresponding elements.


.fixedheight {
  height: 100px;


<div class="fixedheight">
  This DIV has a fixed height.

<div class="fixedheight" style="height:auto">
  This DIV behaves as standard.

The first DIV in the example has a fixed height of 100 pixels. The second is reset to the default behavior with "height:auto" so that the height fits the content.
2016-02-18 at 17:46

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