711 Votes

CSS: :hover for :before and :after

Question by WebHorn | Last update on 2022-10-31 | Created on 2014-09-10

Is it somehow possible to define the pseudo class selector :hover for the pseudo elements :before and :after?

Concretely, I would like to design some of my links with CSS rules using a:before and a:after. However, depending on the mouse is moving over the hyperlink or not, another content should appear in front or after the link (so the typical application of :hover).

Interestingly, in my tests, a:before, a:after as well as a:hover are working alone, while the combination  (a:before:hover and a:after:hover) is not working. How is it possible to combine both or is this CSS selector not possible at all?

4Best Answer18 Votes

When combining :hover and :before (or :hover and :after), it is all about the order - first :hover, then :before and :after.

That's how it works:


So, first of all, you have to write the pseudo class selector (:hover) and only after that the pseudo element selector (:before). :before as well as :after should always come at the end.
Last update on 2022-10-31 | Created on 2014-09-10

ReplyPositive Negative
810 Votes

...unfortunately it does not work with a class at the beginning:

.class a:hover:after {
  color: #93c21b !important;

That has no effect at all.
2022-09-11 at 21:38

Positive Negative
1012 Votes

Of course it works with a class:

a.class:hover:after {
  color: #93c21b !important;

You have to write everything together without the spaces.
2022-09-12 at 16:32

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