44 Votes

CSS: Reset property "position"

Question by Compi | Last update on 2022-04-24 | Created on 2016-02-21

I have created a class within an external stylesheet in which I have declared some CSS properties.

However, I would like to reset some of those properties to their defaults on one of my HTML pages using Inline-CSS. Among others, this also applies to the property "position". In my external stylesheet, I have set "position" to "fixed" and now I would like to reset it to its default behavior.

But what actually is the default value for "position"? I can exclude the values "absolute", "relative" and "fixed". So, should I reset to "initial", "inherit" or "static" to restore the default? I cannot see any difference between them.

2Best Answer4 Votes

The default property of "position" is "static".

So, you can change your HTML in the following way:

<div class="my_class" style="position:static">

This overwrites the "position" that might be defined in "my_class" with the default value.
Last update on 2022-04-24 | Created on 2016-02-21

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