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Cutlery Napkins and Cutlery Bags

Question by Guest | 2018-09-28 at 15:26

Where can I get these cutlery napkins or serviettes? For the wedding I would like to have them, because I like them very much. I just have no plan where you can get this.

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Most of these cutlery napkins or cutlery bags, as they are commonly known from birthdays, weddings or other celebrations, are folded from ordinary napkins.

That means you only need just normal napkins from the supermarket and instructions on how to fold the napkins nicely. Just go to YouTube or Google and search for "Fold Cutlery" or "Fold Serviette" to get a lot of different tutorials and just pick the one that suits you best.

If you do not organize your wedding yourself, but leave the work to a restaurant for example, you can also ask if they can fold the napkins for you. As a rule, this is part of the table decoration.

If you have any questions, just write.
2018-09-28 at 23:02

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