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Delphi: Declare global variable in DPR and access variable in all units

Question by Compi | 2013-02-09 at 22:23

In a Delphi project, I need a global variable that is visible in all units and which I can access in all units. Therefore, I would like to declare this variable directly in the Delphi project file (DPR). However, I can not access the variable from other units. What am I doing wrong?

2Best Answer2 Votes

I do not recommend declaring variables directly in the DPR because that is contrary to the hierarchy of Delphi.

But I have explained in the tip define global variables in Delphi, how to best declare a global variable in Delphi, so that you can read, write and access this variable in all units, including the DPR.
2013-02-11 at 15:03

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