00 Votes

Delphi/Lazarus: Arrange PageControl-Tabs in multiple Rows

Question by Guest | 2015-12-20 at 20:10

I am using a TPageControl with a quite great number of tabs. As soon as there are too many tabs to display them in one row next to each other, the PageControl is starting to display small arrows at the right side with which you can navigate through the tabs.

I do not like those small arrows, they are very unclear. However, I have already seen some Windows dialogs, in which there was an other arrangement at this point. In those dialogs, the tabs are arranged in multiple lines or rows under each other instead of putting them next to each other with those arrow buttons.

Is it possible to achieve this behavior also in Delphi or Lazarus? Or is it only possible with those arrows there?!

0Best Answer2 Votes

TPageControl knows the property MultiLine. This property decides whether the tabs are displayed next to each other or under each other if the place is not sufficient to draw them all visible in one line.

By default, MultiLine is FALSE, so that the small arrows are displayed for navigating. Set MultiLine to TRUE in order to arrange the tabs in so many lines as necessary instead.

If there is enough place, there will be no difference.
2015-12-20 at 22:34

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