22 Votes

Delphi/Lazarus: Change Order of TabSheets on PageControl at runtime

Tip by Delphian | Last update on 2023-12-03 | Created on 2013-10-29

Question: We have a TPageControl, on which there are positioned some TabSheets. At the start time of the program, those tabs have a specific arrangement and we would like to change this arrangement respectively the order of the tabs during the runtime of our program.

Solution: Via the property PageIndex, it is possible to determine and set the position of each TabSheet on a PageControl.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

In the example, the order of the TabSheets "TabSheet0" to "TabSheet3" is reversed, so that previously, "TabSheet0" is located at the first position and after running this code, "TabSheet3" is at the first position while  "TabSheet0" is at the last position on the PageControl.


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