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Difference between Suite and Junior Suite

Question by Watcher1 | 2018-03-05 at 09:10

We are about to book the hotel for our next vacation and have the option of either taking a "suite" or a so-called "junior suite".

Both terms are telling me relatively little, maybe someone can explain to me what that is? Incidentally, the suite is a bit more expensive, does it have more to offer?

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Under the terms "Suite" and "Junior Suite" hotels and the travel agency usually understand the following:

  • Suite: One bedroom with a separate living area
  • Junior Suite: A room with additional seating

A junior suite is something like the little sister of the suite. Once there is next to the bed only a few extra chairs or a couch, once the living area is a bit larger and accordingly more expensive.

In detail, I would always look to the description in the catalog or on the website additionally, because especially the travel industry is cheating with such terms very often, because those terms do not have a absolute clear definition.
2018-03-05 at 23:24

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