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Install Adobe Creative Suite on third Computer

Question by Guest | 2016-09-28 at 18:47

Some time ago, I have purchased the Creative Suite (CS) by Adobe (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign etc). According to the license, it is allowed to install it on two computers as long as I am not using the applications simultaneously.

That is what I did (laptop and desktop PC). However, I have now bought a new computer and I really want to install the program also there.

Because I do not need my old computer anymore, I would remain on my two installations. What can we will? It is not possible to install the Creative Suite for a third time!

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As long as you really only have two installations activated at the same time, everything is okay. Adobe even allows you to "move" your license to a new computer.

I do not know which version of the Creative Suite you have, but I had the Master Collection CS4 and then the CS6 and with both versions it was quite easy:

Open one of the programs and go to the "Help" menu. There is a menu item called "Deactivate". With this you are not only deactivated the application you have started but also the complete and entire Creative Suite for this computer.

To make it work, of course, you have your computer connected to the Internet, so that Adobe can realize your deactivation. After that procedure, your license is "free" again and you can use it for activating the suite on a new computer.

If there should be any problems, the Adobe Support should help you very friendly as I have heard from two people. Changing the license to another computer should work for about 20 times (no official statement!), after that the Adobe Support can help you again for unlocking your licence.
2016-09-28 at 22:55

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