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Does Permanent-MakeUp last forever?

Question by Guest | 2015-12-17 at 20:04

I am not very good at face painting myself and applying my own makeup. Nevertheless, I would like to have a quite good make-up always and every time. Therefore, at the moment, I am considering tattooing a permanent makeup to get rid of those problems.

When talking about tattoos, you always hear that some time in future, you will regret that you have done it because it remains on the skin forever. Is this also a problem with permanent makeup? So, does permanent makeup also stays forever? And what can I do when fashion changes or if I would like to have another slap?

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After about 3 till 8 years, the permanent makeup will be disappeared again. So, you are not bond forever to a specific look.

Otherwise, of course, you can nevertheless apply any other makeup over your come in and make up. So, there is always the possibility to cover your permanent makeup with other makeup at special occasions so that you do not have to go out with the same make up for years.
2015-12-19 at 13:11

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